Traveling is not just about discovering new places, but also about wisely managing your finances in foreign currencies. In this regard, the Currency Exchange Office of Alior Bank proves to be an indispensable tool for every traveler!

Since 2018, we have been using the services of Alior Bank, and we must say we are extremely satisfied. They have made currency exchange easier and more accessible, allowing us to fully enjoy every trip.

We want to be honest with you: by recommending this bank, we have the opportunity to receive a cash reward for each successful referral. So, if you decide to open an account, we encourage you to enter our referral code. It’s a great chance not only to save on currency exchange but also to support our travel passion!

Our referral code: PWRUMDSTE94A


Why use Alior Bank's currency exchange?

  • No currency conversion fees – we can make payments in different currencies without worrying about extra costs.
  • Mobile app – available on iOS and Android, allowing us to exchange currencies anytime, anywhere.
  • Real-time exchange rates – we can track changes and react to favorable rates.
  • Multi-currency card – automatically processes payments in the correct currency, eliminating conversion fees.


How to open an account?

Opening an account with Alior Bank's currency exchange is simple and fast:

  1. Visit the currency exchange website and click "Open an account."
  2. Fill out the registration form with your details.
  3. Confirm your identity online.
  4. Once the terms are accepted, the account is active and ready to use.

Mobile app – our travel essential

With the mobile app, we can exchange currencies on the go, even while already abroad. We set up rate alerts to notify us of the best moments to exchange currencies. The app also lets us manage the multi-currency card and track transaction history.

Tip: Before each trip, we always exchange currency through Alior's exchange to avoid less favorable rates at local exchange offices, especially at airports.

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