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SKOPIEC 724 m n.p.m- the highest peak [Góry Kaczawskie]

29 August 2024

Skopiec Góry Kaczawskie

Below you will find practical information: Where to park your car? How long does it take to hike to Skopiec? What’s the shortest trail to Skopiec? Where can you find the stamp for the Crown of Polish Mountains? Which trail should you choose for Skopiec? You’ll find answers to these and other questions below.

Skopiec, though modest at 724 meters above sea level, proudly stands as the highest peak of the Kaczawskie Mountains and is part of the Crown of Polish Mountains. It may not offer breathtaking views, but it’s definitely a must-visit to become a full-fledged Conqueror of the Crown of Polish Mountains.

Practical information about Skopiec:

- free parking

- stamp at the summit

- free entry

- Skopiec with children

The trail we chose to Skopiec:

Rozdroże przy Przełęczy Komarnickiej - Przełęcz Komarnicka - Skopiec

Trail length: 2 km

Hiking time: 35 minutes

Elevation gain: 90 meters

We park the car in a small, free parking lot right below Skopiec 🅿️ (50.939820, 15.877753) 

https://maps.app.goo.gl/rStpXddmAAi3bt6Y6, but it;s worth arriving early as parking spots are limited.

Entry to the mountains is free.

The shortest trail takes about 35 minutes round trip, with a total distance of about 2 km. The adventure begins at 📌Rozdroże przy Przełęczy Komarnickiej. The trail? Gently hilly, with a slight elevation gain – a peaceful walk, even for less experienced hikers. The trail has small elevation changes, with a total climb of about 90 meters. Below, we also suggest an alternative extended route that includes the third-highest peak of the Kaczawskie Mountains, Baraniec.


But let’s start from the beginning! Time to hike up to the summit!


After parking the car (coordinates above), you’ll already be on the 🟡 yellow trail, which leads you uphill.

After walking about 300 meters to Przełęcz Komarnicka, you'll see a signpost for Skopiec and an intriguing structure with hanging shoes – a perfect spot for a photo, in our opinion! 📷


Skopiec Góry Kaczawskie, Skopiec szlak, Skopiec buty

After taking a few photos, following the signpost, we turn right onto the 🔵 blue trail. The route is not demanding and is mostly along a gravel path. We follow the blue trail for about 700 meters.


And when we're almost at our destination, we gently turn left onto an unmarked trail. No worries! We've clearly indicated on the map (link above) where you need to go! 🥾
Skopiec szlak - ile się idzie na Skopiec?

Skopiec conquered!

At the summit, though the views may not be breathtaking, we proudly stamp our booklet with the stamp waiting for us in

a special box.


And after that? We can embark on another adventure – for example, to the neighboring Baraniec or another peak from the Crown of Polish Mountains, such as Skalnik, which stands at 945 meters above sea level.

Skopiec najkrótszy szlak

For those who want to conquer more than one peak in a day, we recommend extending the route by 200 meters to reach Baraniec (720 meters above sea level) – the fourth-highest peak of the Kaczawskie Mountains.


If we choose this option, we continue straight under Skopiec, and after 200 meters, we turn left. After reaching the third-highest peak, we descend, heading towards the 🔵 blue trail – the best approach is to turn left, then right, to reach the blue trail.

And that's about it – short, concise, and to the point. 🙂

Ready for the next peaks? Hit the trail! We highly recommend heading straight to Skalnik!!!